West Varos

West Varos is a country in Velipea.

Towns & Cities

Varos is the capital and birth place of the Varos

Cartha Lat is a city and conquered/populated with Bezod

Dath is a big city and conquered/populated with Bezod

Dun Nuid is a town and conquered/populated with Bezod

Em Siun is a town and conquered/populated with Bezod

Lanor is a town and still in hands of Varos

Orna is a town and still in hands of Varos

Riog is a city and conquered/populated with Bezod

Riunal is a city and conquered/populated with Bezod

Roim is a city and still in hands of Varos

Tis is a town and still in hands of Varos

Trar is a city and still in hands of Varos

West Trar is a city and still in hands of Varos


The country is populated with Varos and Bezod.


Sons & Daughters

Landscape & Places


Zuletzt geändert: 2020/04/05 14:51